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发布时间:2019-01-28 08:52:17 所属栏目:资源 来源:2019,如何成就一个更好的自己
导读:副标题#e# ILLUSTRATIONS BY RUOHAN WANG As we look back on the mania that was 2018, one thing is clear: We can do better! Enter our annual guide to the lessons we learned, based on which Styles stories you read most this year, and see how

People in the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement are devoted to living frugally and investing their cost savings so they can stop working in their 30s or 40s. Even if you’re not ready to adopt all their tenets, cutting some spending (if you’re able to) can always help.

参与“FIRE”(经济独立、早早退休[financial independence, retire early])运动的人致力于过节俭的生活,并把节省下来的花销用于投资,这样他们就可以在30或40多岁的时候退休了。即便你还没有准备好全面采纳他们的信条,削减一些开支(如果能的话)总是有帮助的。

7. Be wary of the so-called wellness gurus.警惕所谓的健康专家

While the pursuit of wellness is more important than ever, beware the snake oil salespeople peddling elixirs like charcoal and supplements and grounding bedsheets, cautions Dr. Jen Gunter. Focus on the tried-and-true self-care methods: sleep, exercise and science.

(除了这位作者)珍·甘特(Jen Gunter)博士提醒我们,虽然如今追求健康前所未有地重要,但要警惕兜售木炭、膳食补充剂和铺地床单之类万能药的“蛇油商“。主要关注已证明行之有效的自我护理方法:睡眠、锻炼和科学。

8. As always, dress for joy.一如既往,穿出喜悦

And not by the meaningless dictates of your age. “Wear what you like,” urged Dorrie Jacobson, 84, who is doing just that and documenting it on her Instagram account @seniorstylebible. “Age-appropriate has nothing to do with it.”

而不是毫无意义地听命于你的年龄。“穿你喜欢的,“84岁的多丽·杰克布森(Dorrie Jacobson)呼吁,她现在就是这么做的,并记录在她的Instagram账号@seniorstylebible 上。“这和与年龄相衬没什么关系。“

9. Embrace your nocturnal tendencies.拥抱你的夜猫子倾向

Or at least find a job that has flexible work hours, which an increasing number of companies do. The paradigm of success seems to be shifting from the early riser who gets to the office before everyone else to “late-night coders, digital nomads, freelance moguls and co-working entrepreneurs,” Alex Williams wrote (probably late at night).

或者至少找一份有弹性工作时间的工作,越来越多的企业都有。成功的范式似乎正从到公司比谁都早的早鸟模式转为“深夜程序师、数字游民、自由职业大鳄和共用工作空间的创业者,“亚历克斯·威廉姆斯(Alex Williams)写道(很可能是在深夜)。

Recent data support his hypothesis that night owls aren’t total disasters: Some studies suggest that they take more risks and may even be more intelligent.


10. Therapy usually helps.治疗通常有帮助

When all else fails, seek someone whose job it is to help you not fail. The advice given by the professional advice givers Cheryl Strayed and Steve Almond often came back to the same recommendation: Sometimes a therapist can best help you in the long-term.

如果其它尝试都失败了,找一个本职就是帮助你不要失败的人。专业咨询师谢丽尔·史翠德(Cheryl Strayed)和史蒂夫·阿尔蒙德(Steve Almond)给出的建议往往回到同一条推荐理由:从长远来看,有时候治疗师能给你最好的帮助。

11. Take back your time.拿回你的时间

Life is a crush of requests, both professional and personal. You must be the keeper of your time and allow yourself to say no more often. If you don’t, you may burn out and come to hate everything and everyone, including your friends and family and the things formerly known as “fun.” Don’t let that happen to you in 2019.


作者:Anya Strzemien



